There are two ways of dating the life and ministry of Patrick, the earlier dating being more common. Either (1) he was born in Britain c. 385, began preaching in Ireland in c. 432, and died March 17, c. 461 or (2) he was born in Britain c. 415, began preaching in Ireland in the 450s, and died March 17, c. 493. To give some context, here are some other events that took place in that era:
410 - The sack of Rome by the Visigoths.
410 - The Roman army withdraws from Britain.
411-418 - The controversy between Augustine and Pelagius concerning original sin and divine grace, leading to the condemnation of Pelagianism.
429 - Germanus of Auxerre visits Britain to address the Pelegian controversy, convincing the British to reject Pelagianism.
430 - Augustine dies in Hippo in North Africa while the city is besieged by the Vandals.
c. 430-450 - The Anglo-Saxons begin to arrive in Britain.
451 - The Council of Chalcedon, the fourth ecumenical council, meets with at least 520 bishops and affirms the orthodox position on the two natures of Christ.
434-453 - The reign of Attila the Hun.
455 - The sack of Rome by the Vandals.
476 - The sack of Rome by Odoacer and his Germanic army, leading to the fall of the last emperor in Rome, Romulus Augustus.
c. 484 - Brendan the Navigator is born in Ireland.
c. 500 - The battle of Mount Badon, a victory of the Britons against the Anglo-Saxons, in which the Britons are said to have been led by King Arthur.
Patrick's own writings, his Confessio and his Epistola, are available to read online here:
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