Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Magic vs. True Religion

Magic has long been a rival to true religion. While deception could play a role in magic, I am not talking about mere sleight of hand “magic tricks.” And while some people today use magic to refer to anything supernatural or mysterious or amazing, magic in the Bible refers to something more precise, also called sorcery. It can be described as the work of using or trying to use supernatural power apart from the true God, or the attempt to control spiritual powers by formulas and rituals rather than honoring God’s word and seeking his help by prayer. The BDAG Greek lexicon defines the word mageia as “a rite or rites ordinarily using incantations designed to influence/control transcendent powers, magic.”

Whatever power the demons might give it, magic is still weak in comparison with the power of God. 
  • Joseph succeeded through the true God where the magicians of Egypt had failed (Genesis 41). 
  • Moses rivaled and overcame the magicians of Egypt - they were able to do some things at first, but in the end, the magicians recognized they were outmatched and told Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God” (Exodus 7-8). 
  • Israel was prohibited from practicing sorcery, divination, or necromancy in the same chapter it was commanded to listen to the prophets (Deuteronomy 18). 
  • Isaiah rebuked those who turned to mediums and necromancers rather than to God, saying, “to the teaching and to the testimony!” (Isaiah 8). 
  • Daniel succeeded through the Most High where the magicians of Babylon had failed (Daniel 2, 4). 
  • Three times in the book of Acts, Jesus and the gospel triumphed over those who practiced magic (Simon Magus in Acts 8, Elymas the magician in Acts 13, and the converted practicers of magic who burned their magic books in Acts 19). 

People have long sought supernatural power through the evil practice of magic and sorcery rather than through submission to the true and living God, but those who trust in the Lord have not been put to shame. Salvation and security is not found through magical arts, but is a gift given, received through faith in Jesus Christ. God is not a force to be manipulated, but a personal being to be listened to, believed, supplicated, and gratefully revered.
"Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving,
and perform your vows to the Most High,
and call upon me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”
(Psalm 50:14–15)

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